Business Leaders' Role in SharePoint Online Migration

Leading the Way: How Business Leaders Drive SharePoint Online Migration

Business Leaders play an important role in SharePoint Online migration. If your organization is still using SharePoint On-Premise, it’s time—maybe past time—to consider making the move to SharePoint Online. Though there are a few pros to sticking with On-Premise, for most organizations, SharePoint Online is a better solution in terms of enhanced collaboration, productivity,  streamlined workflows and improved data security.

In our work we find that customers are hesitant to make the move for several reasons:

Fear of disruption: Some leaders fear that migration might disrupt existing workflows and hinder daily operations. They worry that employees might face challenges in accessing data or collaborating effectively during the transition.

Uncertainty about costs: The prospect of migration costs and potential budget overruns often dissuades decision-makers from considering the process. They may be unsure about the total cost of ownership and the return on investment associated with SharePoint Online migration.

Perceived complexity: The perceived complexity of SharePoint Online migration can lead to avoidance, as some leaders are unsure where to begin. They might lack the technical expertise or the resources required for a smooth migration.

Resistance to Change: Some employees and leaders resist change, even if it leads to long-term benefits. Existing workflows and systems may be comfortable, and the thought of adapting to new tools can be met with reluctance.

Recognize yourself or one of your business leaders in that list?

Here’s a look at how you can mitigate these concerns, step by step:

Step 1: Assess the benefits of migration

To start, gain a clear understanding of the benefits that SharePoint Online migration can offer your organization. Here’s an overview to get you started:

  • SharePoint Online provides a centralized platform for storing and managing documents, which leads to improved collaboration among teams, departments and geographically dispersed offices.
  • With increased accessibility to information, employees can work more efficiently and make better-informed decisions.
  • Cloud-based, AI-powered content understanding and extraction services like Microsoft Syntex, available only for SharePoint Online (and not SharePoint On-Premises).
  • SharePoint Online’s powerful document management capabilities ensure that files are organized and version control is maintained, reducing confusion and errors.
  • The integration of Office 365 applications enhances productivity, allowing seamless editing, commenting and co-authoring on documents.
  • SharePoint Online’s security features, such as data encryption and user access controls, provide a safe environment for sensitive information. For more on this topic, check out our recent article about Microsoft Exchange Online here.

Step 2: Address disruption concerns

Fear of disruption is a valid concern, but with careful planning and proper communication, you can mitigate the impact on day-to-day operations. Engage key stakeholders early on, including department heads and IT personnel, to understand their needs and address their concerns. Set realistic expectations about the migration process and its timeline to avoid unnecessary panic. Implement a phased migration approach, focusing on smaller pilot groups to identify and address potential issues before migrating the entire organization. Provide training sessions and workshops to familiarize employees with the new platform, ensuring they feel confident and supported during the transition. Effective communication about the benefits of the migration and the steps being taken to minimize disruption will help ease anxiety among employees.

Step 3: Budget wisely for migration

Budgetary concerns can be alleviated by conducting thorough research and planning. While SharePoint Online migration may involve initial costs, long-term cost savings come with it. Reduced hardware and maintenance expenses, as well as a decrease in physical infrastructure, can lead to significant cost savings over time. Moreover, the enhanced collaboration and productivity resulting from SharePoint Online migration can lead to increased operational efficiency and higher employee satisfaction. Calculate the return on investment based on improved productivity, reduced time spent searching for information and increased data security.

Step 4: Seek expert guidance

The perceived complexity of migration can be simplified by seeking expert guidance. Consider engaging Threadfin’s experienced consultants to help you navigate the process, ensuring a successful migration aligned with your business goals.

We conduct a thorough assessment of your organization’s requirements, create a tailored migration plan, and assist with data migration and system integration. Our expertise ensures that best practices are followed, minimizing potential disruptions and maximizing the benefits of the migration. To take a closer look at how Threadfin approaches SharePoint online migrations, click here.

Step 5: Embrace change management

To overcome resistance to change, foster a culture that embraces innovation and continuous improvement. Involve employees in the migration process by seeking their feedback and addressing their concerns. Communicate the vision and objectives of the migration clearly, emphasizing how SharePoint Online will benefit them.

Provide comprehensive training and ongoing support to help employees adapt to the new platform. Encourage champions of change within the organization to lead by example and share success stories. Recognize and reward employees who embrace the new tool and demonstrate the positive impact of SharePoint Online on their work.

Business leaders’ role in successful SharePoint Online migration can’t be understated. Embrace the opportunities for enhanced collaboration, improved productivity and strengthened data security that SharePoint Online offers, and lead your organization towards a future of streamlined workflows and efficient operations.

Threadfin can help you get there. Reach out today to get started.

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